Our Vision
“Leading people into a TRANSFORMING relationship with Jesus.”
Transformation happens when we …
Know God
We will never find fulfillment and lasting joy apart from knowing God. Our weekend services are where we focus on that relationship. Whether you're new to faith, have questions, or have been a Christ-follower for a long time, our weekend services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.
Find Freedom
Jesus didn’t die just to save us, He also died to free us! Freedom from life’s hurts, habits, and hangups is possible. At TC, this happens best in the context of Small Groups.
Discover Purpose
Mark Twain said, “the two most important days in our life are the day we were born and the day we find out why.” At TC, our leadership team is committed to helping you discover what that is!
Make a Difference
God has called us to be an agent of His healing to a broken world. When we live our lives this way, the Bible promises us fulfillment and joy. At TC, we strive to connect every person to a Dream Team so they can live out their God-given calling in the church, the greater Tallahassee area, and around the world.

“Make my joy complete by being of one mind, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose.”
Philippians 2:2
Our Values
We value LOVE.
We love everyone because Jesus loved everyone.
We value GROWTH.
We allow God to change us because growing things change.
We let people in and choose to live life without the mask.
We value IMPACT.
We use our gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
We live life with an open hand rather than a closed fist.
We give our best because God gave His best.
We value PASSION.
We love what we do and we have fun doing it.